Tuesday, September 9, 2014

PInhole Experimental Images

           Using a pinhole camera is close to the most basic form of photography. Simply a box with a hole containing light sensitive paper. The primitive nature of the pinhole camera means exposure times are extremely long compared to today's cameras. But a long shutter speed is not all bad. Long exposure photogaphy is very popular and looks cool. It allows for some neat experimentation with light and your environment. Below are some examples of experimental images that would be interesting to make someting similar.

 This appears to be a bridge with people walking across it. The pinhole camera was set on the ground and the paper exposed for long enough that the people are blurred as they walk through the frame. A recreation would be to take my pinhole camera somewhere with an interesting subject and lots of foot traffic.
 This next image was taken in a car. Not a very clear image but the idea is wonderful. Open the shutter in a car moving in a staight line possibly on the highway to get an interesting effect.
Since i do not own a record player or know someone who does, i cannot exactly recreate this image, but it does provide inspiration. A playground roundabout would be a good place to start. Taking a portait or even self portait mid spin could be a dizzying result.

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