Monday, September 29, 2014

Benjamin Von Wong

Taken by Benjamin Von Wong, this majestic underwater image is a step away from his usual works. Quite opposite actually. This self taught photographer has a way with fire. So water, i guess, would be the natural next step to achieve contrast with his entire works. Using the Nikon AW-1, the worlds first waterproof DSLR, Wong stuck with his usual majestic and surreal qualities he puts into his product. The color makes it look like the picture was taken in shallow ocean water, with the light shining on the top and side of the face. With reflecting refractions of light on the other side of the face. The focus of the image is primarily on the forehead and hair. The lines of light and strands of hair lead the viewer to this area. The background is very obscured with a soothing shade of greyish green. Two qualities of this image are in the lighting and the composition. The sharpness of the hair and the tiny bubbles give this image detail and depth. 

Monday, September 22, 2014

"Ulysses" By Alfred Lord Tennyson

        The poem is about taking advantage of life itself. The little things and big things and all thats inbetween. The time you have to be able to spend time with your friends and family. Maybe a significant other, the journey that is life and included the search for love. From your old and new friends and the one you call your better half.
Little remains: but every hour is saved 
From that eternal silence, something more, 
A bringer of new things; 
         Even if you were to have only a little bit left of your life, you still have every hour to make it count. Even in death is something new. It stands out because it makes you want to live your life not in fear or as if it were your last day on earth. But to live your life without fear of death, to an extreme sense would be the popular term among teens this last year "YOLO" meaning "you only live once".

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

PInhole Experimental Images

           Using a pinhole camera is close to the most basic form of photography. Simply a box with a hole containing light sensitive paper. The primitive nature of the pinhole camera means exposure times are extremely long compared to today's cameras. But a long shutter speed is not all bad. Long exposure photogaphy is very popular and looks cool. It allows for some neat experimentation with light and your environment. Below are some examples of experimental images that would be interesting to make someting similar.

 This appears to be a bridge with people walking across it. The pinhole camera was set on the ground and the paper exposed for long enough that the people are blurred as they walk through the frame. A recreation would be to take my pinhole camera somewhere with an interesting subject and lots of foot traffic.
 This next image was taken in a car. Not a very clear image but the idea is wonderful. Open the shutter in a car moving in a staight line possibly on the highway to get an interesting effect.
Since i do not own a record player or know someone who does, i cannot exactly recreate this image, but it does provide inspiration. A playground roundabout would be a good place to start. Taking a portait or even self portait mid spin could be a dizzying result.